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"A Cheerful Giver"

Thank you for your interest in supporting Simple Faith Baptist Church financially. Your giving today will help our church continue to reach people for God’s kingdom and glory. We believe that a healthy church is one where generosity thrives. So, we’ve made giving to SFBC easier for you by providing different ways you can give.

Different ways

To Give

  1. In Person --- During our song service we designate a time for our ushers to provide you a way through the offering plate. If you are a guest and just visiting, please do not feel obligated to give.

  2. Online --- Above is a "Give" button to a donate page where you can safely place the amount you would love to bless us with. You may optionally choose to give a little more to help offset the processing costs.

  3. Mail --- We can also receive your blessings through Postal Service at anytime.        You can send to this Address:   P.O. Box 1673,​​  Lowell, Arkansas 72745     

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